
Wondering how it feels to train in the outdoors? Develop physical and neuromotor capacities and fuel your mental health by using what nature is offering us seems more interesting than the gym? Yes, it’s possible! According to your goals, our kinesiologist will work with you to create your training plan. Regular follow ups and group sessions are available according to your preferences and needs. The training is completely personalized and suited to what you are looking for.


Kinesiology is one of the ingredients to improve your performance, whether it be climbing a flight of stairs or mountains, and doing so using what you love. Many of our participants find their passion for physical activity not through repetitive series of exercises, but through training with dogs or on the trails, or with other Kinadapt members. Come visit us to find out the realm of possibilities!


150 / private session

Group fees available upon request

More information : contact Carole Turcotte 450-834-4441